Smart Data & interdisciplinary analyses.

Contact Noel Hapke

There is little room for surprises in our campaigns. We prepare strategies not based on gut feeling, but rather on smart data and clearly defined performance indicators. This facilitates optimizations without wastage. We create the necessary data basis with a professional tracking system, which boasts uncompromising data availability and illuminates the central facets of a project – from the first click to conversion. If standard setups cannot fulfill the requirements completely, our software developers design individually tailored solutions.

Multi-perspective tracking uncovers potential.

Our departments always analyze how a project is performing together: Where are we? Where do we want to go? What can we optimize? Which KPIs are we using to measure progress? And which tools will pave the way to the best data quality? The more precisely the status quo can be qualified and quantified, the faster efficient solutions and optimization approaches can be identified.

This interdisciplinary input creates a high degree of transparency. Yet it is the expertise of our data scientists that ultimately brings the data findings to life and extracts the arguments for the strategic direction from them. This is what transforms hypotheses into certainty. Logic is what informs decisions, not feelings.

Success is quantifiable, thanks to tracking and data analysis.

Whether it is improving customer experience, identifying sales-generating marketing measures or optimizing the conversion rate, data-based decisions eliminate the element of chance. This saves resources. That’s why a professional digital analytics setup is crucial for the efficient evolution of a project.

We want to benefit from these advantages over the long term. For this reason, we invest in ongoing additional training for our team, as demonstrated by numerous certifications. Data analysis and tracking are enormously dynamic, after all. The market is constantly expanded with new solutions that we need to purposefully integrate into our workflow.

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Data Analysis & Tracking

Success through data-based strategies: We rely on purposeful tracking and interdisciplinary analyses..